Random Act 1.8.23

Random Act 1.8.23 “Today simple smile to another person” even if they don’t smile back.

What is a Random Act of Kindness?

It is simple: Doing something good for others without expectations of getting anything in return. Doing something nice for others, we can say this in a thousand ways but they are all the same.

If you donate money to a food bank without giving our name, then it is a true “Random Act of Kindness”.

If we give a homeless person a few dollars for food and just walk away, then it is a true “Random Act of Kindness”.

If we donate to a worthy cause anonymously, then it is a true “Random Act of Kindness”.

You get the picture! Doing good for others without looking for something in return.

“Random Acts of Kindness” do not need to always be anonymous!

If you help a friend with a problem without wanting something for yourself, then it is a true “Random Act of Kindness”.

“Random Acts of Kindness” are not only for other people. Helping any living creature on the planet without wanting anything is a true “Random Act of Kindness”.

Helping a bird that has fallen out of the sky recover, a true “Random Act of Kindness”.

A “Random Act of Kindness” is good for the soul. It helps you as much as the person you are helping.