Make your sax play better (101)

The reason many Tenors & Altos do not respond well if they have the high F-Sharp key is simple: the springs for most of F-Sharp keys is at the bottom or on another key near the right hand other than the one with the pad cup and near the pad cup.  Very long way from the pad cup, allowing the High F-Sharp pad to blow open very easily.

In the photo you can see where YAMAHA had it right on the original model 61 saxophone, but they did not continue it on the later saxophone. By adding a spring near the pad cup on any brand saxophone it will have more life and a better response.

YAMAHA High F# Spring Placement No. 1

You can see the spring to hold down the High F-Sharp is near the pad cup and not at the botton of the saxophone.

Example: It is almost impossible to tighten the High F-Sharp enought on a Selmer tenor, you must leave a little lost motion between the High F-sharp pad cup key and the finger key that operates the High F-Sharp for it to work right. This allows the pad cup to blow open no matter how tight the spring is set finger key that operates the High F-Sharp


This same concept works great on the side B-Flat and side C keys. They respond better with the spring near the pad cup. Again, YAMAHA had it right on the original student saxophones but have never added this great concept to their new saxophones.

Side C Spring location on YAMAHA 61 tenor saxcophone No. 1
If you look closely you can see the spring for the side C is just behind the side B-Flat pad cup and ner the side C pad cup.

Almost every saxophone will play better if you tighten the side C key spring. They tend to blow open.

Make your sax play better (101)