Education and Music Programs in the schools

Education and Music Programs in the schools by Rheuben Allen

Now Football is great, I spend many hours wasting time watching pro and college football on Sundays and love it! Love to sit on my fat behind on the couch, eat popcorn and complain about how the coaches are making the wrong calls. Why do they wait until the fourth quarter to start throwing to the right players? That guy has dropped the football for times so far, why is he still in the game? The guy makes 5o million a year and he can’t line up behind the line and concentrate for an hour. But have they called me to be a coach? NO! I know it’s hard to believe.
But anyway, when we talk about education in the school and of our young people, we should consider the value of a great music program. Schools and the education of our kids is centered on making the brains of the young people better and teaching them interesting things about life so they can face the world as so-called adults.

There are countless studies that back up the importance of music on the brain.

Over the past many years in the US I have watched where schools have dropped their music programs and kept football. Football is fun but is fun the real objective of education in the US?
The music programs stimulate the brain power of the students, gives them a better concept of studying, and may  help raise their IQ or at least better use their brain power.

So our schools and the powers to be have chosen to get rid of the music programs that help the students education potential and keep the football teams that are reactional. Sounds like a great choice, sacrifice the brain, and have fun. Is this what the focus of education in the US has become FUN?

There was a junior high school in California where the band had won many 1st place awards and the football team had never won a game. Guess what they kept? The football program and got rid of the band! Great way to improve their school education programs!

Countries with the Best Educational Systems – 2021 Best Countries Report*

Ironically, despite the United States having the best-surveyed education system on the globe, U.S students consistently score lower in math and science than students from many other countries. According to a Business Insider report in 2018, the U.S. ranked 38th in math scores and 24th in science. Discussions about why the United States’ education rankings have fallen by international standards over the past three decades frequently point out that government spending on education has failed to keep up with inflation.
It’s also worthwhile to note that while the Best Countries study is certainly respectable, other studies use different methodologies or emphasize different criteria, which often leads to different results. For example, the Global Citizens for Human Rights’ annual study measures ten levels of education from early childhood enrollment rates to adult literacy. Its final 2020 rankings look a bit different:
Countries with the Best Educational Systems – 2020 Global Citizens for Human Rights

  1. Denmark

  2. Finland

  3. Japan

  4. Canada

  5. Sweden

  6. Germany

  7. Israel

  8. Netherlands

  9. Singapore

  10. South Korea

The US is not even in the top 10 in education. Wake up America keep the music programs!  I hear all this talk about “Make America Great Again” start with putting the music programs back in schools to help our young people improve their thinking power. Football is fun but let’s face not all that educational.

Where are US missiles made?

Located in Troy, Alabama, Lockheed Martin’s Pike County Operations facility is a manufacturing, final assembly, test, and storage operation for many of the missile programs supported by Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control (MFC). The site has 4,000 acres of land with 52 buildings.